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National Service Scheme

National Service Scheme (NSS)

Aimed at developing student’s personality through community service, GRIID has opted to be one of Authorised centre of NSS.

The cardinal principle of the NSS Programme is that it is organised by the students themselves, and both students and teachers through their combined participation in community service, get a sense of involvement in the tasks of nation building. Every year students of D.Ed, B.Ed Spl Edn, M.ed Spl Edn voluntary giving their best services in community based rehabilitation under the banner of NSS and are supporting for comprehensive rehabilitation of persons with disabilities as well as needy persons in and around Chandigarh. Swattch Bhart Abhiyan and orientation on inclusive education Programme are the core long term programs of NSS.

National / International Conference      

Mentoring Program    i)  In-House Mentoring   ii)  Community Mentoring

Sensitization Programme for Peers, Teachers and Parents

Research in the field of Disability Rehabilitation

Sr.No Heading Description
1. Mentoring Programme

Mentoring is done with an objective to bridge gaps between two components which are essential and complimentary to each other. For the purpose of removing social attitudinal barriers among community members, GRIID with the help of teacher trainers is a heading towards the objective of bridging the social barrier between the parents having children with Intellectual Disabilities and their community. Further it is divided into community and In-House mentoring.

In-House Mentoring- In-House mentoring progrmme is designed for students enrolled and studying in GRIID school and provide them rehabilitation services.

Community Mentoring- Community mentoring is about reaching to the un-reachable, those individuals who are not able to get benefitted out of Rehabilitation services offered by Government, GRIID is extending a helping hand towards such individuals and bridging gaps.

2. Sensitization Programme for Peers, Teachers and Parents Sensitization is an attempt to make people aware about certain events. GRIID College also conducts sensitization programme for general school teachers, Parents, Peer Group of siblings of children having intellectual disability. Disability sensitization is important for improving status of persons with intellectual disability in Chandigarh.
3. Research in the field of disability Rehabilitation Research in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities is research of an interdisciplinary nature that has a direct bearing on the understanding or remediation of problems associated with intellectual disabilities. GRIID has Journal in the name of Journal of disability Management and Rehabilitation which is bi-annual and publishes original researches conducted